Thursday, July 22, 2010

Week 2 - Wikis

In this weeks tutorial I was introduced to the world of wikis. I found them relatively easy to navigate through and show benefits in the classroom context. We were told to use DeBono's six thinking hats to help answer a question of our desire. The following is a link to this wiki.

While answering the question I was pondering the applications of this particular activity in the classroom and came up with the thought of using it for an expert jigsaw. Groups of students would be able to research different topics (chosen by the teacher or as a class) and each group could fill in the thinking hats on their own page to do with their topic.

An example of this in a content area would be in SOSE when students are researching different forms of energy, e.g. nuclear, hydroelectricity, solar, wind, bio gas and coal. Each group would be assigned an energy source to research. Groups would then fill out the DeBono's six thinking hats table on the wiki. The class would then have all the information accessible from the other groups in the one wiki along with the ability to edit and add new information later.

This wiki fits in with educational theory such as Vygotsky's social constructivist theory as students are working together to research topics as well as communicating and analysing information as a group. This enables students to challenge schemas and conceptions with those other students to help form point of views and clear up misconceptions.

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