Digital cameras can have many different uses in the classroom environment. They are great tools for keeping records and tracking events in KLA's such as science abd technology as students can either take still shots of the building process or video footage of the task/challenge/experiment. They can then use these records for reflection and analysis of the task/challenge/experiement. As it is a digital camera, the video can be replayed, slowed down, or even edited to show why or why not the product met the intended goal or the specific observations needed for the experiments results.
Digital cameras can be used to create stop animations where students would take a series of pictures of objects, manipulating them a little bit at a time to create video footage. This is a difficult task but in a classroom is great at making students colloaborate their knowledge and skills. There are many different aspects to think about and students must actively enage in complex reasoning and higher order thinking to problem solve, visualise, analyse/compare techniques, create and edit among many others.
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